Take Our Team Assessment

How do you know if your team is healthy and functioning at optimal capacity?

Successful teams are characterized by shared vision and purpose, healthy interpersonal relationships, a culture of individual growth and collective development, and a clear understanding of each person’s role and responsibilities. In a high-performing team, the combination of synchronized efforts and collaborative group work achieves more than individuals siloed into discrete tasks can. This allows organizations to have goals and missions that far exceed the capabilities of individuals. Organizational success is built on effective teamwork.

Our Team Assessment is the first step in identifying if your team is functioning well and what steps you can take to build a healthy work ecosystem. 

1) My team has a meaningful and shared purpose.

2) My team members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities.

3) My team members take pride and feel satisfaction in a job well done.

4) My team is flexible and adapts to changing needs.

5) My team is able to work through differences of opinions and resolve issues effectively.

6) My team members seek and give each other constructive feedback.

7) My team members appreciate each other’s unique contributions and capabilities.

8) My team members display high levels of cooperation and mutual support.

9) My team members consider how their actions will impact others when deciding what to do.

10) My team views everything, even mistakes, as opportunities for learning and growth.

11) My team members embrace continuous improvement as a way of working.

12) My team uses various forms of learning opportunities (trainings, conferences, mentoring, coaching, etc.) to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date.

13) My team routinely sets and meets challenging goals.

14)  My team has established trusting and supportive relationships with other teams.

15) My team members avoid duplication of effort and make sure they are clear about who is doing what.

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