Leadership Training Program for Foreign Service National Staff, USAID/Sri Lanka

BGG provided a Mission-wide, tailored leadership learning program to deepen the supervisory capacities of local staff in preparation for upcoming opportunities detailed in the FSN Empowerment Plan (FSN-EP) and the associated Action Plan. BGG collaborated with Mission leadership and the FSN Committee to design a curriculum to strengthen leadership skills such as building trust and collaborative teams, communicating effectively, leading with empathy, and developing inclusive practices. Through facilitated discussion, hands-on activities, role play, and problem-solving, participants deepened their understanding of personal leadership preferences and strengths and learned how to use their unique skills to maximize individual, team, and Mission performance. This program prioritized on-the-job opportunities to practice new leadership skills. 

BGG has been at the forefront of strengthening the skills USAID staff need to lead effectively at any level. Our training instills mastery, autonomy, and purpose and provides USAID’s FSN staff with the tools they need to assume greater leadership roles and lead their country’s development. We have trained over 300 USAID staff through our customized, highly-rated programs that support the Agency’s FSN Empowerment plans and ability to drive localization priorities.

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